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by celinhamatos
Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:58 pm
Forum: Portuguese-speaking Petheads
Topic: PETRA 24/7 Concerto ATWRADIO
Replies: 17
Views: 20980

Oi Celinha, acredita que eu perdi o filme? Vou ver se consigo uma c�pia das fotros com a Elaine. :cry: :cry: EU ACREDITOOOOOOOOOOO :? :? :? como vc pode fazer isso? ve com a Elaine hey ela sumiu nunca mais falei com ela, espero q ela nao tenha perdido essas fotos tambem :shock: :shock:
by celinhamatos
Wed Mar 01, 2006 6:35 pm
Forum: The Petra Zone
Topic: Ash Wednesday, Prayer & Fast, Today March 1
Replies: 19
Views: 8828

Thanks for the prayers. I'm in the same purpose of you and Isaiah 26:3 says: " You will keep in perfect peace him whose mind is steadfast, because he trusts in you". When I was praying here I remember the verse " I am the Lord your God, who teaches you what is the besst for you, who directs you in ...
by celinhamatos
Tue Feb 28, 2006 2:28 pm
Forum: The Petra Zone
Topic: Prayer and Fast Day This Week
Replies: 10
Views: 4816

I have a requesting about me is for God gives me strenght to study for a contest here that is very difficult, I'm very busy these days with lots of subjects but I belive that God has the best for us. Also for my friend Daniel from Australia for strenght and guidance in his life.
by celinhamatos
Wed Feb 22, 2006 10:24 am
Forum: Portuguese-speaking Petheads
Topic: PETRA 24/7 Concerto ATWRADIO
Replies: 17
Views: 20980

O site � esse: ... e2006.aspx
corre porque � so ate dia 24/02
by celinhamatos
Fri Feb 17, 2006 1:53 pm
Forum: Portuguese-speaking Petheads
Topic: PETRA 24/7 Concerto ATWRADIO
Replies: 17
Views: 20980

EITA NOIS HAHAHAA :lol: :lol: :lol:
J� voltou a estudar? vai em todos os computadores e vota ent�o 8) 8)
Bart tem falado com Elaine? se sim diz a ela q preciso falar uma coisa :roll: :roll:
by celinhamatos
Thu Feb 16, 2006 1:05 pm
Forum: Portuguese-speaking Petheads
Topic: PETRA 24/7 Concerto ATWRADIO
Replies: 17
Views: 20980

Ainda nao revelouuuuuuuuuu :shock: :shock: :shock: hehehee, ou entao qdo vc revelar scaneia ai na facu dai fica mais facil se vc tiver acesso, senao pode mandar pelo correrio mesmo. Ah vc votou no Petra no 3rd annual Reader's Choice Award? � ate dia 24/02. Valeu!
by celinhamatos
Thu Feb 16, 2006 12:18 pm
Forum: Portuguese-speaking Petheads
Topic: PETRA 24/7 Concerto ATWRADIO
Replies: 17
Views: 20980

Eu tbm acho q n�o vou ouvir devido ao horario, mas manda o email porque a hora ser� dedicada a voce :wink: Heim Bart Welcome Back! :D :D por falar nisso a maquina q tiramos fotos la no show era sua ou da Elaine? manda pra mim aquela q tiramos juntos :D :D Abra��o ja estava com saudades...
by celinhamatos
Wed Feb 15, 2006 2:07 pm
Forum: The Petra Zone
Topic: Wow. This is puzzling.
Replies: 18
Views: 10305

Yeah I think that Bob is a very quiet person and He just answer what we ask him. I stayed with them 7 days and we were at the same car, same hotel etc... and I couldnt listen his voice unless we ask something or when he asks something for us, but John He is awesome :D :D He is very talkative person...
by celinhamatos
Wed Feb 15, 2006 1:35 pm
Forum: Portuguese-speaking Petheads
Topic: PETRA 24/7 Concerto ATWRADIO
Replies: 17
Views: 20980

PETRA 24/7 Concerto ATWRADIO

Galera Dr. Mark me pediu prara divulgar que SABADO DIA 18/02 vai passar 24 horas de Petra na Radio ele tambem vai incluir algumas musicas ao vivo do ultimo Concerto do dia 31/12. Ele ir� dedicar 1 hora das 24 que ser�o transmitidas aos primeiros 24 participantes para isso basta enviar e-mail at...
by celinhamatos
Wed Feb 15, 2006 1:27 pm
Forum: Portuguese-speaking Petheads
Topic: Petra concorrendo no trof�u talento.
Replies: 2
Views: 5031

Voce quis dizer demorou muito tempo pra eu encontrar o botao do album do Petra :D :D com certeza foi muito chato ainda ter q se cadastrar :? mas tudo bem ja votei.
by celinhamatos
Sat Feb 11, 2006 8:17 pm
Forum: The Petra Zone
Topic: 12/31 - connect, listen and respond LIVE from Murphy, NC
Replies: 58
Views: 30541

Hey Dr. Mark for me will be very late 3 AM :shock: :shock: :shock: but I've sent the email :wink:
How are you? are you recovering? I prayed for you hope you are better now.
God bless you!
by celinhamatos
Tue Jan 31, 2006 2:59 pm
Forum: Other Topics
Topic: happy birthday to...
Replies: 5
Views: 2060

:D :D Thankkkkkkkkssssssssssss :D :D
also for the card I loved it! :wink:
by celinhamatos
Tue Jan 31, 2006 6:53 am
Forum: Other Topics
Topic: happy birthday to...
Replies: 5
Views: 2060

and for me too :D :D :D :D
by celinhamatos
Tue Jan 31, 2006 6:51 am
Forum: The Petra Zone
Topic: Prayer & Fast Day - Tues., Jan. 31
Replies: 10
Views: 4014

I'm on these purposes and I know that they will receive much more than we are asking God, because we can do everything through Him and For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace, and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope!!!
by celinhamatos
Mon Jan 30, 2006 4:08 pm
Forum: Portuguese-speaking Petheads
Topic: DVD do Petra em Porto Alegre
Replies: 14
Views: 15838

Liguem pra Livraria da Rede Mensagem (51) 33434116 ou Fax(51) 33434611
tamb�m h� o e-mail: [email protected]
liguem ou escrevam q eles mandar�o as informa��es.
J� adianto ta legal D+++++ :D :D :D