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Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:08 am
by sue d.
In conjunction with the launch of the new Fan Site we will be showcasing cuts off John's NEW solo project!

On Monday, Oct. 1, we will load an mp3 montage of the songs, interspersed with a few words about the songs from John himself!

Please help spread the word!

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:18 am
by crossways

That just made my day! So a Oct. 1st preview....does that mean that we could have a cd by Christmas???

Will it be on a lable, or released independently like VE?

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 11:30 am
by sue d.
Hopefully by Christmas!

Unknown as to the whether or not it will be on a label or indie. Both are being looked at right now.

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 4:13 pm
by Schlittism33
Awesome News Sue!!! Thanks!! I'm gonna post a bulliten about it on my myspace page!


Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 5:20 pm
by Dan
Thats great, A label means distribution, people will see it in a shop and be reminded that John is still alive and kicking, otherwise over hear no one would have a clue; and as most Petra fans are not active like us, it will come and go and they wont know. LABEL!

Posted: Fri Sep 21, 2007 8:18 pm
by brent
danielaussie wrote:Thats great, A label means distribution, people will see it in a shop and be reminded that John is still alive and kicking, otherwise over hear no one would have a clue; and as most Petra fans are not active like us, it will come and go and they wont know. LABEL!
I have no idea what labels are talking, or what deals are on the table. But, a label does not equal sales because of distribution. A CD on the shelf is not good advertising or guaranteed sales.

What it means is that they buy the record, distribute it, John makes his money back on the front side, and then it is up to the label to make it back by spending more money on advertising, marketing, radio, CBA and GMA shows, etc. There are some benefits to a good label with good, well connected people.

The cat is out of the bag. Anyone can have world-wide distribution and get CDs into brick and mortar stores as an indie. The numbers say on-line and download services are what drive sales. You just have to do it yourself, and use your own money, which is quite risky and expensive for an artist. It is easier to do the label thing IMO, because more gets done faster, with less financial risk for the artist.

Having a CD on the shelf in a "shop" is not advertising, nor does it equal sales. Atleast that is what the retail buyers say. They only carry if you are in demand. They want to know what YOU the artist is going to do to generate the store traffic, and buy the CDs within 30 days. They want to buy three to four discs at a time, and have it flying off of the shelves.

The majority of Christian music is sold on-line, not by people browsing the stores. Those days are over. This is where a label or backer with deep pockets can help by providing a huge interent marketing campaign/presence, where people do the window shopping.

About 90% of the Christian market's youth and adults under 40 are on the computer once a day. How many go the Christian stores? Not NEARLY that many. That is why their sales are WAAAY down.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 6:39 am
by gman
The cd should definitely be available on Itunes. I'm not into burnlounge, but putting it there could get some sales as well. I'm sure there are lots of internet radio stations that would play it as well.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 6:56 am
by brent
This is pretty standard:

Virgin Digital
AOL Music
MP3 Tunes

If John DOES do the indie thing, he can join CD Baby or TuneCore, and they will get John's CDs on all of the major download services, as well as provide CD sales through their site. It is very easy to do.

Even if an artist is on all of the major digital download services, there must be something navigating people there. People have to know what to look for.

All of the membership and coop host sites suck IMO. The numbers say that they have a miniscule fraction of the market. iTunes is number one in sales and traffic...period!

There is one shortcoming in iTunes. Their musical genre classes are too broad. When I am looking for some fav bands, they aren't where they would be in a brick and mortar store. Most times I have to type in the name to get to their disc. OK, there are two things I don't like. It costs a crap load of cash to buy banners on the main page.

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 8:20 am
by carol d.
9 days and counting! :P

Posted: Sat Sep 22, 2007 9:12 pm
by sue d.
If you all would like to post this little blurb on your bulletin boards, or group lists, or anywhere else - we'd really appreciate it!

NASHVILLE, Tenn. � September 24, 2007 �
John Schlitt, multi-Grammy winning recording artist and lead singer of Petra, announces the sampler release of his third solo project, as of yet untitled.

A montage of songs, complete with commentary by Schlitt, will be available for download on October 1.

The project follows his previous two albums, �Shake� and �Unfit for Swine.�

Ph: 920-980-7671
[email protected]

At this point we're just trying to drum up a litle interest and toss the sampler out there.

I'll be coming out with a new press release with a bit more info, along John's commentary, on Oct. 1. Make sure you're subscribed to the mailing list!

Posted: Mon Sep 24, 2007 9:39 pm
by Tutor23
Brent sounds like he knows what he's talking about. I am completely ignorant about such things, but what he says just sounds right. I do hope that this information is looked at by John and by anyone who has his ear. Like all of us on this site, I just want to see him do as well as he deserves.
Andy from Indiana

Posted: Tue Sep 25, 2007 10:25 pm
by sue d.
John knows full well the pros & cons of label vs. independent. He's been around a while, you know!


While the net and all the marketing possibilities there is a bit unfamiliar to him, his producer (and son-in-law Dan Needham) is well aware of what's out there.

SO..... this is why we need to pray for CLEAR DIRECTION as to what way to go... join me in this, OK?

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 3:56 pm
by brent
Yip. John knows the industry in and out; the good, the bad, the ugly.

My comments were my opinion based on research and communication with buys and distributors in major markets. It was not intended to "inform" John of anything. He has forgotten more than I know. It was for gen ed purposes only. Have a day.

Posted: Wed Sep 26, 2007 8:05 pm
by sue d.
Thanks for the gen ed lesson... appreciate the info, since I know not much about this end of the biz.

Posted: Fri Sep 28, 2007 1:17 pm
by sue d.
I've been seeing the little news release on a few of the boards out there... don't know if it's the Zoners or Petheads at large, but in either case - THANK YOU! Keep it going... because MONDAY we'll be putting up the new promo - along with another press release by John.