john schlitt on myspace

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john schlitt on myspace

Post by unionperk » Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:07 am

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Post by Shell » Mon Jun 05, 2006 11:51 am

I was wondering when he would get a myspace profile; I'm assuming this is something Sue is doing since John is computer phobic. :wink:

Myspace is fun, but the advertisements are sort of a pain, and there is some nasty stuff there. You have to be careful. The ads are what keeps it free, though.
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Post by sue d. » Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:03 am

Yeah, I didn't realize there was quite so much garbage on that site. I know myspace is the hottest thing, but I'm rather put off by some of what I'm seeing in those banner ads.

But we'll see how it goes.... if it gets too nasty, I'll pull it all off (sorry Paul, but we gotta keep our integrity).

Unionperk is the one who came up with the idea and is doing the actual work... I'm just sanctioning and giving direction.
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Post by Shell » Tue Jun 06, 2006 10:32 am

It can be a catch 22...The ads are what keeps the site free, and it is a good way for people to connect, keep in touch and for bands to get their music out there. But yeah, some of that stuff is nasty. I really wouldn't mind paying a small fee if it meant getting the ads off of there. The people who run the site don't claim to have Christian beliefs; maybe if enough of the Christians there complained about the garbage it might make a difference.
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Post by unionperk » Tue Jun 06, 2006 2:42 pm

Rupert Murdoch the person that owns FOX owns myspace.
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Post by Susannah » Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:01 pm

I thought Tom owned myspace :wink:
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Post by brent » Tue Jun 06, 2006 3:22 pm

My fav is when a girl, like Heidi, does a pose like that. If I didn't take the time to read her message, I would have thought that the girl was trying to show us something that we should not see. Cover it up please, or change the angle of the shot.
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Post by charl » Tue Jun 06, 2006 6:19 pm

Am I the only one who doesn't get the point of myspace? What exactly is the purpose of it (seriously, I am sure I must be missing something here)?
Of course, theological blogs where everybody argues in the comments and sharpens one another are my preferred time waster. Well and the ones like purgatorio and Geoffrey Chaucer.
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Post by Shell » Tue Jun 06, 2006 6:41 pm

It basically started out as a place for bands I believe; it is a good way to get their music out there. It won't be for everyone. There are groups where you can have theological discussions. I have fun with Elo, Celinha, Sam and my other friends. :)

You like Chaucer? I had an early English lit class where we studied him. I liked him, but the language is enough to drive anyone crazy. If you could get past that though, his stories were funny. I liked Shakespeare better, although he was a challenge too. They definitely will not be for everyone.
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Post by calicowriter » Tue Jun 06, 2006 8:16 pm

I have no idea what started out to be, but it is now THE hangout for teenagers and young adults to like, make lots of cool friends, and like share stuff about themselves and get as many "friends" as they can. And like, journal and let all the world see personal stuff about them so that sex predators can trick them into thinking they are just friends too.

Just about every teen or young adult kidnapping or murder that has been reported on TV the past few months have one thing in common -- the victim was on chatting with people they shouldn't have been.

I have no use for sites like this and personally, I don't see how John having a space or being associated with it could in any way be positive. But, that's just me.
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Post by Shell » Tue Jun 06, 2006 9:17 pm

It is mostly young people in their teens and 20s, but there are some older people too. It won't be for everyone. It's like any other chat room or web site, you have to be careful. I had some people trying to scam me, and I was pretty p***ed off about it, until I realized I had a delete key I could use.... :D It is different for kids though. There were problems with predators before myspace existed, it's just gotten more attention lately. I believe kids under 13 aren't supposed to be able to have profiles, and kids 16 and under are supposed to have their profiles set to private. Of course, that doesn't necessarily mean that is going to happen...
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Post by charl » Tue Jun 06, 2006 11:29 pm

I do love Chaucer (the original)-I had a copy of his compleyte workes that I stole from the school library (my dad made me give it back and they threw it away! I am still not over that). However, someone out there writes a blog as Chaucer-middle english and all. It is frickin hilarious. The latest post about KYNG RICHARDE is still making me laugh.

Oones as the cronique doth reherce, ther liued a kynge hight Darius who dide gather hys thre counsellors and aske what was the strengest thynge, wyn, womman, or a kyng? And the firste wyse man dide saye that the kynge was the moost of strengthe, for he hadde powir over lyf and deeth. And the seconde dide clayme that wyn was the strengest, for yt doth bynde everi man far moore than ony kynge. And the thridde sage dide saye that that wommen ben the myhtieste, for hir loue hath caused manye kingdomes to rise or to falle - and yet he dide adde that truthe was strenger than alle othir thynges, for in no wise may truthe be overcome. And then KYNG RICHARDE dide slaye alle of them.
:lol: :lol: :lol:

Thanks for the info about myspace everyone.
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Post by Enosh » Wed Jun 07, 2006 6:41 am

Yeah, I got to say something.

A lot has been in the news about My Space lately. There is bad out there, but no more worse than what goes on in chat rooms with a number of other sites and isp's.

There would be no problems with predators and such if parents monitored what their children do online. "But Enosh", you say, "You don't know what it's like to have a teenager. You have a 17 month old son." To that I say, I just inherited my 16 year old sister. She has come to live in my house. As of July, I will be her legal guardian, responsible in every way for her well being.

She wanted to have a My Space site and email after she saw the Some Strange Way site. So I agreed to let her, but I have all passwords to her site and email address because I am responsible for her. I also monitor any time she is on the computer. I read her email and give her input. She didn't like it at first because none of her friends had those kinds of stipulations. But she is my responsibility and I take that seriously. She is younger than me and I have always been like a parental figure to her. If I can do it as a brother, why not a parent. This let's her stay in contact with friends and let's me see what kind of behavior her friends exibit. I check out their sites as well, and determine which friends she will and won't be spending time with. Parents need to take responsibility for their kids or not allow them to use the computer or anything else for that matter.

My Space can be a great tool if used properly. We have met several people from around the world that now have our music. We have also found friends that we have not seen in years because of it. The internet is a tool that is full mostly of crap. We still use it for good. I think it's great that John has a My Space site. People will find him that may have never listened to Petra bfore. BTW there are plenty of old people on My Space.

I didn't even want to have a My Space site. When I did make ours I realized that it can be a beneficial tool in spreading the gospel. Be a light in darkness folks, don't just curse it. TV, movies, music have all been cursed by the church for the bad that is perpetuated by them. It's only bad because of the people utilizing it. Things wouldn't be as bad as they are today if Christians were inivators instead of wanting to put their heads in the sand because everything is of the devil.
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Post by calicowriter » Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:37 am


I'm glad you feel able to be a light in the darkness. For me personally, although I love a lot about the internet, I've seen it ruin a lot of people. But that aside, I don't have the time or technical skills to deal with all of the viruses and spyware that jumps on my computer just by visiting myspace. I made the mistake of signing up when a friend asked me to visit her site and "be her friend." I filled in only the minimum amount of info, and then went to her site. After that, I was swamped with emails from people wanting me to add them to "my list of friends." Not to mention those wanting pictures or asking if they could send me pictures. No thanks. I get enough junk delivered to my door from the post office. I don't need morons and bunnies delivered to my desk.

Good luck with that monitoring. A report I saw on Dateline NBC about myspace and teens showed that while some teens were pretty responsible about what they put in their profiles and who they allowed to read their sites, sometimes their friends weren't so responsible and their friends would post personal info like what school they attended, where they hung out, etc for all the world (including predators) to see.
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Post by Shell » Wed Jun 07, 2006 7:49 am

Hahahaha, that blog space is a riot, Charl. The posts about Kyng Richarde alone make it worth checking out....That person must have a lot of time of his or her hands. :D

And to get back on topic, no, myspace won't be for everyone. You have to do what you feel is right just like with everything else.
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